Thursday, July 3, 2008

DotNetNuke Remember Me Not Working

Well, I had mentioned in one of my last posts that I would be starting to redesign the website with DotNetNuke. One of the issues that I have run into is that the Remember Me option when logging into the website wasn't working. Or at least it wasn't remembering anything for very long.

This issue can be remedied by modifying the web.config Authentication node. The default setting that you want to change is:

Note: Since this is in the web.config this is not truly a DotNetNuke issue, it is an ASP.Net issue.

cookieless="UseCookies" />

The default timeout is 60 minutes. You can change the timeout value to be whatever you need it to be. This will allow you to make sure that people can stay logged into your DotNetNuke website for as long as you want them to be.

The following would be the setting if you wanted your users to stay logged in for 2 weeks, similar to the way Yahoo! mail keeps you logged in.

cookieless="UseCookies" />

I hope this little tid bit can help you endure that your website keeps users happy.


Anonymous said...

actually the issue is an 2.0 problem, not a dotnetnuke one. We added some code back in 4.8.1 that allows you to specify different timeouts for temporary and persistent cookies - see for more details

Shaun said...

This is true... It is a 2.0 issue. However, when I was looking for the solution to my issue I was trying to find it as a DotNetNuke problem.

I decided to address it as a DotNetNuke issue to help others using DotNetNuke. Perhaps I'll edit my post and mention that it is truly an issue.