Ah, The Blockers, those pesky little mischievous "gremlins" that pop up from time-to-time and do nasty little things around the house.
Well, we have a house guest for a while, we'll call her "Coagulated Tree Sap" (CTS for short). Well, CTS was going down to the basement to wash some clothes when she discovered the mess of all messes. She saw an open paint can, and the contents all over the basement floor.
She called up to my wife, "Uh, I think we have a problem here!"
My wife came down, looked at the mess and started laughing (in order to keep from crying!) That is when she started her investigation.
Who could have made this mess?
When was the mess made?
What was their motive?
Where was the mess made? (Obvious, she was looking at it.)
The mess was relatively fresh, probably within the last 1/2 hour or so. The paint hadn't started to dry at all, so the clean up wasn't *that* difficult.
In light of that, Hurricane had been at the neighbors playing for a couple of hours. So he could safely be eliminated as a culprit in this heinous crime.
Godzilla, though he has the ability to create mass destruction, was asleep in his crib at the time. So, unless he was sleep walking, he could be absolved.
The adults of the house wouldn't have done that, so we were all eliminated from suspicion.
That left only one.
That left the Tornado. Just like his namesake destruction was sown quickly and effectively. However, because no one was there to witness the destruction, my wife couldn't "convict" him.
That is where I come in.
The first words out of my wife's mouth as soon as I entered the house where, "Honey, Tornado painted the basement floor, but no one saw him do it. Can you talk to him?"
I immediately went up stairs and put on my Good Cop/ Bad Cop face. First I took the position of the good cop:
"Tornado, what happened down stairs?"
"Paint Spilled."
"Did you spill the paint?"
"No, Daddy"
"Do you know who spilled the paint?"
"Yes, Daddy"
"Um, could you please tell me who did it then?"
"The Blockers" -- ominous music started playing in the background.
"The Blockers?"
"Uh huh."
"Who are the blockers?"
"They're outside."
I looked out the back to where he was pointing.
"I don't see anyone outside, except mommy, and she's cooking on the grill and I know she didn't do it. So what happened?"
"They hit me on the head."
"Oh, so they hit you on the head and then wen down and spilled the paint?"
"Uh huh."
"Did you see the spill the paint?"
"Uh huh."
OK, I'd heard enough.
"Tornado, I know that the blockers didn't do this. I know that you are lying to me and I'll give you one chance to tell me the truth. If you tell me the truth, you will not be punished, but if you tell me the lie again, I'll be forced to discipline you. Did you spill the paint?"
"No, Daddy, it was the blockers."
"Wait, hold on, maybe you didn't understand. You will be punished if you lie to me and you will not be punished at all if you tell me the truth. Did you spill the paint?"
"No, Daddy."
"OK, you're going to be punished."
He started running, I started after him. He fell to the floor crying. I asked again, "Did you spill the paint?"
"Yes, Daddy, I did it, it was me! **Sob**"
"Okay, Buddy, come here, you're not going to be punished, but you need to tell Mommy your sorry for making the mess, and tell her that you did it."
"OK, Mommy, I did it, I'm sorry."
Now, why am I telling this story? First, because it's funny. Well, at least it's funny when it's told, it doesn't translate as well when it's written. However, there is a lesson in parenting here that I think is important.
The lesson is consistency. Be consistent with your kids. In how you treat them, how you discipline them and how you love them. If they know that you mean what you say, you will never have to back it up. I didn't have to punish him for doing the act. He's a 3 year old boy, they make messes, it's what they do. However, I couldn't tolerate the lying, that starts a habit that is hard to break, and one that he would pay for dearly later, had he been able to get away with the lie.
I would also like to add that I'm mighty impressed with the story that he came up with, it was quite ingenious. For a 3 year old to weave that kind of story means that he's thinking and that impresses me, even when it's trying to get out of something.
Anyway, that is the story of the blockers. I hope you enjoyed it.